A Beings Best Friend...

This site is about capability and technical know-how, not the content itself. As one should see, the content is a bit fanciful and can be replaced with "real" content as expected. Though with decades of software engineering experience, I humbly have, and can excel in any role based on computer science.

A Being and his projector...

Seems appropriate for the world today. .

Kidney Stones Test a Beings Metal

Poor Uncle Percy. Seen here as a test subject for those naughty, naughty humans and their kidney stone experiments. Oh, the stone-cold irony.

Important Information

This is just one of many styles and types of websites we are capable of producing.

Me Ole' Grand Dad

Seen here long ago, trying to detonate a portable device designed to end human domination and create a dystopic future where robots rule and plates on walls are a thing. It all failed, (because of the plate thing). He now spends his days as an automated DVD Rewinder at Blockbuster.

'Glam' Photo for Me Mum

What could be a better gift?

Mom: Contemplating Her Life Choices.

Olmmmmmm. All actuators in alignment. Nice.

Dad: Contemplating His Life Choices.

Kids, dogs, mortgage, relatives, world domination... it can tax the metrology and calibration of anyone at times.

Yes. We Dream In Color.

And so do our sheep, dogs and graphing calculators.

Cousin Roy Landing at Tyrell.

Cousin Roy is quite inquisitive and excited to be coming in from the outer-rim. He's bringing friends, it's going to be a blast.